
Hey there, welcome to our website dedicated to the Schoonveld family! We are thrilled to share with you ample information on our family history. It’s fascinating to learn about our heritage, and we would love you to join us on this exciting journey.
The surname Schoonveld is pretty unique, and only two families adopted the name in 1811. Can you believe it? Both families were hardworking day laborers or farm workers from the Groningen province. In case you were wondering, “Schoonveld” refers to a clean field, neat, and orderly- one without weeds or crops. Imagine that!
Our ancestors were likely meticulous, hardworking, and took great pride in their farms. And, of course, we have not forgotten to share exciting family news, upcoming family gatherings, and lots more. Check out the picture of Willem Schoonveld harvesting potatoes- a true representation of the sheer dedication coursing through our family.
Thank you for stopping by!

Origin family
There are two large families that bear the name Schoonveld. Both originate from the province of Groningen.
One family comes from the villages of Noorddijk, Scharmer, and Garmerwolde, just northeast of the city of Groningen. The oldest known ancestor is Bartelt Kienes, a farmer in Scharmer who was born around 1655 in Kolham. His son Tjapke is also baptized in Kolham in 1690, but his other children are baptized in Scharmer from 1700 onwards. His great-grandson Arent Jans adopts the family name Schoonveld in 1811.
The other family originates from ‘t Zandt and Uithuizermeeden in the far northeast of the province. The “founder” of this family is Jan Gerryts from Stedum, whose son Gerryt Jans married in Uithuizermeeden in 1773.
Noorddijk, Garmerwolde, Ruischerbrug
It’s fascinating to learn about the origins of the Schoonveld family! Most of them were born and raised in the charming villages of Noorddijk, Garmerwolde, Ruischerbrug, Ten Boer, and Zuidwolde. Many of them probably worked as farm laborers for the local farmers, while others pursued different professions or even became farmers themselves. It’s wonderful to know that the name Schoonveld has been recorded in the civil registry since the early 1800s! Arent Jans and his children are especially noteworthy in the family’s history, adopting the distinguished name Schoonveld. With 4 sons – Jan, Willem Tjapke, and Gerrit – who all started their own families, their legacy has continued on through the generations. While we don’t know much about Arent Jans’ daughters at the moment, it’s exciting to think about the many possibilities that the future may hold for discovering more about our fascinating family history!
Uithuizermeeden, 't Zandt
Did you know that the Schoonveld family has a rich history that includes both the Uithuizermeeden area and Noorddijk? The founder of the Uithuizermeeden family, Jan Gerrijts, passed on the name Schoonveld to his son Gerrijt Jans and his children in 1811. From there, the family grew and flourished with many descendants still residing in the United States today. Despite the different areas in which the family originated, their emigration experiences are similar to those of other Dutch emigrants during that time period. It is fascinating to learn about the journey that our ancestors took to create the legacy that we enjoy today. Let us celebrate and honor the Schoonveld family and their amazing history!